HVAC Air-Trap™: Concept - Max Condensate Flow - Max Pressures - Sizes
No More Troublesome “P” Traps
• Air-Trap reduces trap height by up to 60%. A total height equal to the maximum water pressure in inches WC. With negative pressure plenum, the HVAC Air-Trap requires less than 1/2 the height required for P‑Trap installation.
• Built in clean-out port to meet building code IRC section M1411.3.3, IMC Section 307.2.5, UMC Section 312.3.1, which states: “Condensate drain lines shall be configured to permit the clearing of blockages and performance of maintenance without requiring the drain line to be cut.”
• The Air-Trap will never freeze and break.
• No more issues caused by traps drying out, does not require filling with water in spring or after extended period of no condensate formation.
• Designed to prevent standing water within the trap and drain line when there is no condensate being produced.
• Air-Trap is predesigned and site proven to prevent field errors.
• Eliminates sludge build-up at bottom of “U” tube.
• Prevent the geyser effect with “dry trap” and negative plenum pressure.
• No more blow through with positive pressure.